LEAN ON ME: An Exhibition of Tree-Inspired Artwork by Veterans and US Military

Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods

Entry Deadline: Sep. 10

21850 N. Riverwoods Rd.
Riverwoods, IL 60015
PHONE 224.633.2426


Community makes us stronger. In recent years, scientists have been discovering how trees work to support each other. With the help of underground fungi, trees planted near each other use their roots to communicate, share resources, and can behave like a single organism – a unit. Older trees nurture the younger ones, helping them to grow strong. If one tree is attacked by insects, it can warn the others to protect themselves from the coming threat, and if a tree is sick or lacking some vital nutrient, the other trees can give it what it needs to heal.

Military service members understand this idea of community. They share information, resources, and work together to nurture and protect each other in times of need. For this upcoming exhibition, we are asking for artwork created by veterans or active service members that explores this idea of a community of trees. Artwork can be in any style or media, from any member or veteran of any branch of the US Military.

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