June PleinAir Salon Online Art Competition

PleinAir Magazine

Entry Deadline: Jun. 30

2263 NW 2nd Ave., Ste 207
Boca Raton, FL 33431
PHONE 561 655-8778


The 14th Annual PleinAir Salon is an online art competition with 12 monthly cycles, and is open to a variety of mediums and styles. It’s not just for plein air painters! We invite a variety of top master artists, museum directors and gallery owners to judge each month. All monthly winners are automatically included in the Annual Competition where the Grand Prize winner receives $15,000 and has their painting featured on the cover of PleinAir Magazine, the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble.

In addition to a total of $50,000 in ALL Cash Prizes, winners receive exposure and recognition through our various magazines, websites, newsletters and social media platforms.

Early Bird Registration ends on the 15th. Enter before the deadline to receive 25% off every entry. The regular cost is $38 for the first entry, and just $16 for each additional entry. Artists are welcome to enter as many paintings as they like, in as many categories as they like. There are 19 categories in all.

Check out www.PleinAirSalon.com/tag  to see what else is offered to the winners.

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