John Wayne Airport Call for Artists

John Wayne Airport Community Focus Space

Entry Deadline: Nov. 15

18601 Airport Way
Santa Ana, CA 92707

John Wayne Airport (JWA) invites Orange County, CA artists to apply for solo-style exhibition slots in the JWA Community Focus Space (CFS) program’s monthly exhibition calendar with exhibition slots opening December 17, 2020. Join the many talented artists who have showcased their artwork to elevate the overall Airport guest experience!

Each exhibition is approximately 30 days in duration and presented by JWA at no cost to the artist. CFS exhibition display cases are located on the Departure (upper) Level near security screening areas in Terminals A, B, C (pre-security) and the Arrival (lower) Level adjacent to Baggage Carousels 1 and 4 in the Thomas F. Riley Terminal and are accessible to all passengers and the general public.

Artists who wish to apply for consideration, must have been born, raised or educated in Orange County; or currently live, work or own property in Orange County; and live in any of the following counties: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara or Ventura.

Artist applications must be received by John Wayne Airport no later than 4 p.m. on November 15, 2019. Application instructions and guidelines are available online at Artists who submitted applications to the review process will be notified by January 15, 2020.

For more information, please contact Jeffrey Frisch, John Wayne Airport Arts Program Coordinator via email at [email protected].

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