Iversen Center for Faith Request for Proposals
University of Saint Thomas
Entry Deadline: Jul. 8
Iversen Center for Faith Request for Proposals
Are you an artist with an interest in portraying the spiritual through the visual arts? The University of St. Thomas invites artists to submit proposals for original artwork to be included as part of the new multi-denominational Iversen Center for Faith, located on the St. Paul, Minnesota campus.
May 15, 2019: Call to Artists Opens
July 1, 2019: Application Deadline
August 1, 2019: Semifinalists Notified
October 1, 2019: Semifinalist Submission Deadline
November 1, 2019: Selected Artist Announced
November 2019 – May 2020: Project Development/Fabrication
June 2020: Artwork Installed and Unveiled (date to be confirmed)
All questions may be sent to [email protected].
For complete information, including how to apply, please see: https://stthomas.edu/arthistory/artsstthomas/calltoartists/