Grayscale Wonderland 4
bG Gallery
Entry Deadline: Aug. 14
Gestalt Projects is happy to invite you to submit your grayscale works to become part of the annual Grayscale Wonderland exhibit.
The aim of the exhibit is to explore new artists’ work while broadening our horizons into the grayscale medium of expression.
Rules and payment (subject to change):
Exhibit opening will take place July 18 2020 6-8pm, work drop off on the 15th
1 entry $20
3 entries $40
-Artworks will need to be grayscale (limited color)
-Artworks should be under 35in wide
-You will be redirected to the submission page upon payment
-Artists must cover their own costs of delivery to and from the gallery.
-If included in the exhibit standard gallery 50/50 splits for art sales will apply