Fashion Art Basel

Six Summit Gallery

Entry Deadline: Nov. 29

1111 Parrot Jungle Trail
Miami, FL 33132
PHONE 917-573-0029

SSG & Art Hearts Fashion @ Joia Beach
Outdoor Art & Fashion Activation
December 3rd and 4th, 6PM to Midnight.

Load in Date: Friday, December 2nd after 11pm OR December 3rd before 2PM
Load Out Date: December 4th after show or Monday, December 5, 2022

Artists plus 2 guests receive complimentary admission both nights for this extraordinary art and fashion activation at one of the most sought after venues in Miami. THIS IS AN OUTDOOR SHOW…..easels will be in sand or on concrete pathway.

We are encouraging sculptures, decorative, installation, interactive as well as very Large art on easels only. We can absorb a lot of pieces. No size limit if it can fit on easel or free stand. We are not responsible for theft or damage to art.

Call or text  (917)-573-0029 with direct questions or email [email protected]. Do not call Joia Beach or Art Hearts Fashion. Art does not have to be directly fashion related. Work will not be permitted if this is not accomplished. This is an exquisite platform.

Installations, Decorative, Interactive, Paintings, Photos works in all media. This show is open to all artists regardless of place of residence however you must deliver in person. Live painters will have a separate entry process. Please email [email protected] with live proposals.

All work will be judged by email entry/
Files must be in .jpg format, 300 dpi, max 900 pixels in any dimension. File name should correspond to the title of the piece. PUT title, medium, artist, price, and size as JPEG FILE EXTENSION NAME.! No accepted work may be removed prior to the show’s conclusion.

ALL work must be for sale on easels that you bring. You may not make holes in walls. Sculptors must bring their own pedestals or free standing is OK. You are required to make your own labels. They must include Title, Medium,Price, and Your Name, with instagram tag, @sixsummitgallery #SixSummitGallery and SSG Logo (we will email it to you) and on bottom “To purchase now call or text Leo 917-573-0029 and we will come to you” –” clearly visible. Labels must be typed, NOT hand written.

Purchases will take place during the show on our website-

Customers can leave with art. Become familiar with our shopping cart, dollar amounts may sometimes require more than one item in cart to reach exact dollar amount.

The Show Committee reserves the right to disallow the exhibition of any artist or work, at any time which, in the opinion of the Committee, that is considered detrimental to the good public image of the show and its sponsors, which is too fragile to handle, or which is not accurately represented by the photo submitted. Six Summit Gallery, We reserve the right to photograph work or use submitted images for our publicity. We reserve the right to disallow you from the process or show at any time, and there is no guarantee all of your submissions will be accepted. Everything is subject to change.

Please call with any special situations. Artist receives 60% on accepted sold work. We may allow a standard shared discount up to 10% without notifying artist.

Remember you are subject to the elements as this is an outdoor show – Please do not apply unless you plan on being there to watch and sell your art. You may unload the art after first night and bring it back the next day if you want.

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