Exhibition Proposal- solo, group, and curated exhibitions open call.

NMSU University Art Gallery

Entry Deadline: Dec. 20

1390 E. University Ave.
Las Cruces, NM 88003


The NMSU University Art Gallery invites proposals for solo, group, and curated exhibitions, open to all media including but not limited to: ceramics, glass, sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, new media, video, performance, sound, and installation. Proposals will accepted for exhibitions which fill the full University Gallery space, or which are created for sections of the gallery space (please see gallery floor plan to reference any specific layout of gallery space.)

An Exhibition Review Board, made up of community members, arts professionals, and NMSU art faculty will review proposals biannually (December and June) in a two-part process. Completing an application is the first step in the review process. If accepted for round two – you will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal with a longer description of the project and more supporting images. If accepted for an exhibition at the UAG you will be provided with a modest stipend for travel and shipping costs*. As part of the exhibition the UAG will print all labels and wall materials as well as, publications including but not limited to- postcards, posters, banners, and an exhibition catalogue.

*Shipping costs for any giving exhibition can not exceed $500.00 USD round trip, including materials. Any shipping cost which exceeds this amount must be covered by the artist.

The UAG is a 3,875 square foot museum-quality gallery. All exhibitions are manned by our staff, and open to the public five days a week. Our gallery staff will help you fully realize your exhibition, and you will receive the full support of of staff during all stages of the exhibition.

Read the full prospectus, submission guidelines, and further submission details on our website and submit by December 20, 2014.

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