Exhbition Title: CONNECTIONS
Central Booking
Entry Deadline: Jan. 5
I am an independent curator and have recently formed a partnership with a respected Lower East Side storefront gallery where I will be curating several exhibitions a year. The first, on the theme of “CONNECTIONS” will be from Jan. 28 to Feb. 8, 2015.
Artists can submit up to 3 works in any media. All work should be less than 8 feet high. THERE IS NO COMMISSION ON SALES OR ANY JURYING FEES. ONLY accepted artists will be asked a hanging fee of $150, which covers upfront the expenses of space rental and administration, reception, and publicity.
To submit (deadline is Jan. 5):
1. Label each jpeg (72 dpi) of up to 3 works, with number, your name, title of the work
2. In the body of the email, list information corresponding to the numbered jpegs, title, medium, size (in inches), edition number (if applicable), price
3. In subject line of email, put JAN2015 exhib
4. Email it all to [email protected]
Accepted artists will be notified by Jan 8. Payment for accepted artists due by Jan 15. Artists will be required to drop off work on Jan 26, or, if out of town, work must arrive by Jan. 26 in easily re-packable containers with return postage label included. Should work sell, artist would receive sale price in full.
Joyce Ellen Weinstein, Curator