City of San Mateo Call for Artists

City of San Mateo

Entry Deadline: Dec. 16

330 West 20th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 522-7153

This RFQ, Request for Qualificatin, solicits submittals of qualifications from artists who would be willing to work with the City of San Mateo Civic Arts Committee (CAC) to design or to select an existing work of art to be placed at Gateway Park, a prominent location within the City of San Mateo.

Interested artists are invited to submit a portfolio of their work. The selected artists will work with the CAC to either identify an existing work or to design a new work that is appropriate for the selected site. This process is designed to allow for the public art to be specifically tailored for the site context and to accommodate site specific considerations, such as view corridors, foundation requirements, and maintenance.

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