Choice 2020

Atlanta Photography Group

Entry Deadline: Mar. 13

75 Bennett Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30309
PHONE 404.605.0605

Call for Entry: CHOICE
Atlanta Photography Group (APG) is now accepting entries for Choice 2020. This non-juried exhibition is open to all current members of APG. Simply register below to secure space on the walls for your work, upload your images to the link in your confirmation, then deliver your framed photograph by March 14. Artists can include up to two framed works in this exhibition. This is your chance to show a personal favorite, maybe you have a wonderful image that just doesn’t fit in with a series, or you want get feedback on a new direction. It’s your choice!

Deliver work to APG Gallery: by March 14, 2020, regular gallery hours
Show Dates: March 21 – April 18, 2020
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 21, 3 – 5pm

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