Calls for artists: Hopkins Street and Sessom Drive in San Marcos, Tx

City of San Marcos

Entry Deadline: Dec. 30

630 E. Hopkins
San Marcos, TX 78666
PHONE 512 393-8416

The City of San Marcos has issued two calls for artists to provide original artwork to be applied as “Mini Murals” on traffic signal control boxes: as series of boxes on Hopkins Street and a single one on Sessom Drive.

Both calls close Thursday, Dec. 30 at 5 p.m. and must be submitted electronically. Full descriptions and details are available online at

Hopkins Street

Three traffic control boxes on Hopkins near City Hall, the San Marcos Public Library, and the San Marcos Activity Center will have mini murals installed in a series. Artists must submit designs for all three boxes; the City is looking for a design series that will adhere to a common theme determined by the artist.

Sessom Drive

The Sessom Drive call for artists involves a single box with a theme to be determined by the artist.

The winning designs will be digitized and printed on vinyl wraps to be applied to the traffic control boxes, creating exciting public art for pedestrians and drivers alike to enjoy while deterring graffiti and vandalism.

This successful program has placed art on City-owned traffic boxes along Ranch Road 12, Sessom Drive, and other spots around San Marcos.

For more details and submission guidelines, visit:

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