Call for Exhibition Proposals: Spring 2015

Louise Jones Brown Gallery - Duke University

Entry Deadline: Nov. 16

125 Science Drive
Durham, NC 27708

*** Please submit all proposals to: [email protected] ***

Duke University’s Visual Arts Committee (DUU VisArts), a student-run programming body, is presently soliciting applications for one of the four slots in its spring exhibition series. Each exhibition is mounted in the Louise Jones Brown Gallery, an intimate space prominently situated on the upper floor of the university’s bustling student life building. Our roster of previous exhibitions spans 57 years and a sweeping artistic spectrum that we strive to further enrich and diversify.

If you are interested in displaying your works as either a solo or a collaborative program, please contact us with a proposal by November 16th. An ideal proposal would include (1) a general overview of your envisioned exhibition’s intent/purpose, (2) the general scope of artworks you would include, and (3) photographs of several representative works (either as attachments or hyperlinks).

VisArts will facilitate and subsidize the production and distribution of marketing materials; press releases; and, at the artist’s discretion, a catered opening reception. Depending on logistical factors, we may also be able to subsidize the shipment of works to and from the gallery. We can provide wall-mounted label holders, uplit pedestals, regular pedestals, multimedia monitors, suspension cables, adjustable track lighting, and installation hardware.

At this time, we kindly ask that you please observe the available exhibition window (January 21 – February 15); the boundary dates cannot be changed, but we would be happy to tailor your exhibition’s timeframe (i.e. installation date(s), optional opening reception, length of time on view, deinstallation date(s), etc.) to your needs.

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