Call For Entries: G25N’s Semi-Annual Open Group Exhibit

Entry Deadline: Feb. 9

1076 Main Street
Fishkill, NY 12524
845 765-2932 – Announces a call for submissions for Gallery 25N’s online, no-theme “Semi-Annual Open Group Exhibit”, that will consist of ten artists work. Deadline: February 9, 2015. Entry Fee: $35 for 4 entries and $10 for each additional entry. The work can be from realism to abstraction; and will be selected on uniqueness, execution quality and style. The Semi-Annual Group Exhibit consisting of 10 artists will be featured for six months and extensively marketed with: 12,000 invitations, Press Releases, Social Media Marketing, Event Listings & Event Calendars, video marketing on YouTube and featured in the Art Market News’ newsletter with over 16,000 subscribers.

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