Call for Artists – Sessom Drive Retaining Wall Mural
City of San Marcos
Entry Deadline: Feb. 25
The City of San Marcos Mural Arts Committee seeks to commission a professional visual artist or artist team to design and paint a mural on a retaining wall located along Sessom Drive below Treehouse Apartments and east of the Colloquium Two shopping center.
The project must display imagery that expresses the theme in line with the Edwards Aquifer. Imagery can be simple or graphic representatives to relay the idea as long as it promotes at least one or more of the following themes:
Underground visualization of the Edwards Aquifer and native species:
Recharge features
Environmental Stewardship
Or images related to the above artistic themes
The artist stipend for this project is $18,000. Materials for the project will be provided by the City of San Marcos. The application deadline is Monday, February 18, 2019, 5:00 pm CST.
Full details and submission information can be found online at: