Call for Artists – A Between

Root Division

Entry Deadline: Dec. 14

1131 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
PHONE 415.863.7668

This exhibition explores how environments shape the perceptions and positions that guide ideas of self, connection to others, and collective activity. It poses the question- how does the amount of time spent in a specific environment also affects one’s vision towards it?
Artists working in all mediums are welcome to apply.

Exhibition Dates: Feb. 24 – Mar. 23, 2022

Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Email submissions can be sent to [email protected].

1. Submission Form: please submit the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM

2. Images: Up to four jpgs associated conceptually with the open call. Each jpg should be 1200px in the largest dimension, labeled to correspond with the inventory numbers listed on the application (i.e. 01_LastName.jpg). If there is video it should be submitted as a still and as a link to a web-hosted video viewer.

3. Artist Resume: (2 pg. max)

4. Artist Statment: (1 pg. max) Please tell us how your work relates to the theme of the open call.

5. Submission Fee: A $10 fee must be on file by 12/14/21 for the email submission to be considered. E-payment can be made on website.

Please email [email protected] with any questions and send all application materials to [email protected].

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