Brushes With Cancer

Twist Out Cancer

Entry Deadline: Feb. 28

702 N. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123

Twist Out Cancer is now accepting applications for Artists and Inspirations across the country to participate in their annual Brushes With Cancer programs.

The Program:
Brushes with Cancer strategically matches artists with those touched by cancer to create unique pieces of artwork reflective of their journey. Over a period of 4 months, pairs will connect virtually and their relationships are guided and supported by Twist Out Cancer mentors with the intention of creating a support system for both the artist and inspiration. The program finishes on a high note with our signature celebratory art exhibition, gala and auction where the artwork is revealed for the first time.

*The deadline to apply for the Northeast and Midwest Programs is February 28, 2021.
*The deadline to apply for the Southern Program is June 1, 2020.

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