Brand: New

treat gallery new york

Entry Deadline: Jan. 28

3511 85th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

treat gallery new york is pleased to release our first open call of 2024: Brand: New.

Reinvention is no stranger to the contemporary art world. Artists have had to pivot repeatedly, most recently; during the recession, the coronavirus pandemic, and the rise of artificial intelligence. To reinvent is to change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new, or to take up a very different job or way of life. To re-establish something as new is to begin a process, or make significant changes or improvements to (something.) Words commonly associated with reinvention are: transform. disrupt. redesign. experiment. modify. reclaim.

We’re in search of 8-12 artists who take on this theme aesthetically, conceptually or creatively for an online feature, which will run on Artsy and our Website from February 1st – February 29th, 2024. Work must have been completed or created between October 2023 – January 2024.

For complete details, please navigate to our “Current Opportunities” tab on our website.

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