Bond Roadway Improvements Public Art

Bullard Ave

Entry Deadline: Jun. 24

Bullard Ave Corridor
Surprise, AZ 85374
PHONE 623 222-1857

The City of Surprise Arizona is accepting sealed bids/proposals for RFQu 321236, Call for Artists; Bond Roadway Improvements Public Art to be received no later than Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 11:00 am.

The City of Surprise is seeking Statements of Qualifications for the public art related to the bond funded roadway improvement projects for the Surprise Arts & Cultural Advisory Commission per the Solicitation herein. This Solicitation will be a two phase selection. The first phase will consist of review and selection of Offerors based on the qualification criteria herein that will result in a short list of qualified Offerors. The second phase will consist of the short listed Offerors submission of a conceptual artistic proposal, and the Selection Committee’s review and selection of the conceptual artistic proposal submissions.

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