Biblio Spectaculum: Artist books & text-based visual work

Main Street Arts

Entry Deadline: May. 9

20 W. Main St.
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
PHONE 315-462-0210

A national juried exhibition of artist books and text-based visual works.
Submissions must be visual in nature. Written text passages must be
part of an artist book, painting, photograph, drawing, print, collage,
sculpture, or other visual art form. Submissions may be text art,
concrete/visual poetry, any of the above mentioned disciplines, or a
combination thereof. Submissions may or may not contain text or type.
This exhibition is open to all U.S. residents at least 18 years of age.

$1,000 in cash awards. Best in Show receives $500.

Entry Fee
$30 for entry of up to 3 submissions
$35 for entry of 4 to 6 submissions

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: New date, April 11 (was March 24)
Notifications: New date, April 23 (was April 7)
Artwork Due: New date, May 12 (was May 2)
Exhibition Dates: New dates: May 19—June 19 (was May 16–June 19)
Tentative Reception: New date, Saturday, May 30, 4–7 p.m. (was Saturday, May 16)

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