Apply Now | Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Oakland


Entry Deadline: Jan. 1

20 Jay Street, Suite 740
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Deadline to apply is Monday, December 10, 11:59 PM PST.

The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce the second year of the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Oakland, presented in collaboration with Oakland local partners through the support of the Ford Foundation.

The program’s goal is to foster a local community of artists sharing the immigrant experience and provide resources through entrepreneurial training, access to other artists, arts professionals, and organizations. Conducted in an inclusive, safe space, the program offers immigrant artists the opportunity to focus on their creative practice and gain support and exposure for their work while upholding their distinct cultural identities.

The program combines two of NYFA’s professional development programs: the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program, which provides access to artist mentors and arts professionals via panels and workshops, and the Artist As Entrepreneur Boot Camp, which provides artists with the fundamental principles of sustainability in the arts. Featured topics include strategic planning, finance, law, marketing, and fundraising. Additional material will be drawn from NYFA’s newly-revised popular textbook The Profitable Artist (Allworth Press, 2018).

In collaboration with Oakland-based partners, the program will offer two weekend entrepreneurial boot camps, one-on-one mentoring, an informal gathering between weekend sessions, and an individual consultation with an arts professional.

This is a competitive program open to artists from all disciplines (Performing, Literary, Visual, Multidisciplinary, Video/Film, Folk and Traditional Arts) based in Oakland, CA, and provided free of charge to accepted participants. The program will run from January 2019 to April 2019, and will bring together Oakland artists to nurture a productive environment for collaboration. - NYFA Current

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