Abstract Art Today
Bougie Art Gallery
Entry Deadline: Dec. 1
Bougie Art Gallery is having a 7th call for the artists. For this virtual art exhibition, we wanted to talk about the fine art itself. And what represents fine art more than abstract art? This style of art does not attempt to represent external reality but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colours, and textures. It shows fine art in its purest form.
However, many times abstract art could be hard to understand. Looking at the abstract art piece, many people are asking themselves, “What is that”? Or saying, “Even my kid could draw this!”. Abstract art is hard to understand because it doesn’t copy reality – it is contemplating art.
“Abstract art has been with us in one form or another for almost a century now and has proved to be not only a long-standing crux of cultural debate but a self-renewing, vital tradition of creativity. We know that it works, even if we’re still not sure why that’s so, or exactly what to make of that fact.” -Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art Since Pollock by Kirk Varnedoe.
Selected artists will be represented at the ‘Abstract Art Today’ virtual art exhibition, will be featured, marketed and promoted extensively through the gallery’s website, as well as Bougie Art Gallery Magazine (digital version), on email marketing campaigns, through worldwide known art websites including Artland.com, Slate Art Gallery Guide and through our extensive and continually growing social media networks. Bougie Art Gallery has thousands of visitors per month from more than 30 different countries.
“Abstract Art Today” virtual art exhibition is an international competition and welcomes all professional artists from all countries. For this international competition, both 2D and 3D artists are welcome to submit their artworks and photographs (3-7 images). The entry fee for this exhibition is $25.00. Artists 18 years old and older may apply. Deadline: December 1st, 2020.