2021 Art Ramble

The Umbrella Arts Center

Entry Deadline: Mar. 26

40 Stow St.
Concord, MA 01742
PHONE 978 371-0820


Art Ramble 2021 (6th Annual Exhibit)
Proposed Exhibit Dates: September 1 – November 15
The Umbrella Arts & Environment Art Ramble 2021 will be an outdoor art installation in the Hapgood Wright Town Forest in Concord, MA, from September 1 – November 15 in collaboration with Concord’s Division of Natural Resources (CDNR).

Proposal Details  We are seeking proposals from curators who can create an exhibit that:
-Connects to our Earth Day 2021 theme of “Air.”
-Inspires connection to the land and natural features of this conservation area.
-Invites visitors to see themselves and/or a place differently.
-Invites and inspires further exploration.
-Reflects the change in seasons and/or transformations in the local ecosystem due to the seasonal transition.
-Includes site-specific pieces made of natural materials and/or other media.
-Includes at least one clearly interactive public art piece that encourages and allows exhibit visitors an enriched experience.
-Highlights the intersection of art, nature, and community.

Proposals should include:
-Personal statement of interest, exhibit proposal, and a draft budget for curator fee and artist stipends (curator can choose number of artists and amount of stipends) that totals no more than $5000.

Curator Responsibilities
The Curator will:
-Create Call to Artists to reflect the curator’s vision and 2021 exhibit objectives.
-Host at least one walk for prospective artists.
-Review applications and select appropriate final choices of artwork for the exhibit.
-Write an exhibit statement, including how the selection and siting of works supports the curator’s vision and goals and the “Proposal Details.”
-Work with the artists on site selection, installation/takedown, and any issues that arise over the course of the exhibit, consulting with The Umbrella and the CDNR as needed.
-Lead at least one Curator Walk during exhibition.
-Ensure project (from installation through takedown) aligns with project mission and goals, as well as conservation principles of Leave No Trace and the guidelines and mission of the CDNR.

The Umbrella Responsibilities
-Work with curator to develop exhibit calendar/special events, marketing needs/materials, signage, and map.
-Work with curator to brainstorm community art activities.
-Distribute call and provide administrative support in managing application materials.
-Work with Marketing to develop signage, maps, exhibit handouts.
-Support curator in communicating with artists.
-Assist, if required and to the extent possible, with reviews of selected works, installations, maintenance, and/or take-down.
-Provide intern/volunteer assistance as needed.

Draft Project Timeline
February: Curator RFP distributed
March: Selection of curator April: Call to artists distributed May: Prospective artist walk(s) June 1: Artist proposals due
June 15 – 30: Select artists, work with artists to select sites; work with The Umbrella to plan calendar of events, marketing, signage and mapping needs
August 15 – November 15: Oversee installations and any special performances; work with artists on any installation/exhibit issues; work with artists on any de-installation issues

Proposal Deadline: March 26, 2021
Submit proposals to: Caroline Provost, [email protected]
For questions/more information: 978.371.0820, ext. 213 Visit our website: http://theumbrellaarts.org/art-ramble

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