Jeffrey Milstein

Artist Biography
Several years ago Jeffrey Milstein launched a third career photographing public places and scenes that drew extraordinary images from the most ordinary landscapes settings. His interests in photography first began while studying architecture at UC Berkeley and after working in the profession for several years he started a popular printing business. The transition to printing lead to his unpredictable success in photography. Mr. Milstein now exhibits photographic works nationally and has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers and periodicals.
Jeffery Milstein’s Feature Page focuses on carefully planned aircraft images that are the result of a lifelong interest for flying. His love for planes first began when he received a pilot’s license at the age of 17 for small single engine aircraft. Familiar with basic aviation, he stepped up to larger aircraft with a series of stark images that would have been impossible to capture while the plane was on the ground. These images of commercial and fighter aircraft are unique in perfect perspective and extended landing gear. Milstein captured planes in mid flight through a very planned choreograph of positioning himself and equipment at the end of a commercial runway to snap at only one precise moment the aircraft traveling 180 mph overhead while centered in the frame of his viewer. On a clear day and at just the right calculated distance, while perpendicular to his camera lens Milstein snapped the shutter to reveal the planes just feet away in landing or take off. An extraordinary planned sequence of tasks that lead to his series of successful aircraft photos.
Included in this Feature are Mr. Milstein’s travel photos of Cuba and India that were taken on one of many long strolls away from tourist areas. These images focus on the locals at their daily routines and familiar surroundings. Color, pattern and texture leap from the images with the quiet intimacy of the moment offer viewers an opportunity to look carefully at everyday matters in a California trailer parks, India or Cuba.