Discover TAG Advertising that is Quick and Effective

Featured Gallery Listing
Using Art Guide’s built in technology to promote your gallery and artists is one of the best advertising tools that the site can offer. Many galleries take advantage of our advanced SEO, Seach Engine Optimization, capacities to promote their own web site and build a larger base of clientele. Combined into one location a featured gallery listing will show art images with text descriptions and at a glance provide a variety of gallery announcements into one easy to click location. As a feature you will also have a green dynamic tag that will highlight your posts and link them back to your Feature Listing.
Galleries are welcome to include in their listing any number of artists and images of their associated work with text description.
Enhanced Google Search Optimization (GSO) will increase your gallery’s internet standing and encourage new viewers to your gallery website and art work. Your gallery advertising strength will increase in Google rank as each client is encouraged to upload text and images without limitation. To get started complete the below selections and plan the Feature listing within your Art Guide account pages.
Feature Gallery Listings,$75/3 months, $120/6 months or $160/12 months
Get Started
- Feature Gallery listings reach a targeted art community with quick reference information about your gallery
- Features offer state of the art programming to disperse your gallery information and increase GSO
- Becoming a Feature is quick and easy, after registering to the site log back in to upload art images and text at the Account Profile page. It is quick and easy to copy and paste text.
- Galleries are welcome to include any number of artists and images’ of their associated work with text description.
- Every Art Guide page offers fully mobile functions for all hand held devices that are clean and professional