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Featured Artist Listing
The most significant way for any artist to promote their work to a large group of viewers is with a Feature listing in Our featured artists avoid the cost and stress of website development by promoting their work in a professionally designed page that enhanced images and provides for related descriptive material. Most important to the clients of Art Guide, a feature listing offers a cost effective opportunity to reach hundreds of collectors with our advanced GSO, Google Search Optimization and built-in viewership. We’ll do the technological design work and maintain the latest programming upgrades that allow our clients to provide valuable images and insights making their feature listing unique. It only takes a few minutes to plan a page then be sure to share your new page with our fully advanced mobile applications.
Contact Art GuideGet Started
- Feature Artist listings reach a targeted art community with state of the art one click reference information about your work and descriptions.
- To get started, log into your Art Guide Account with Username and Password to upload new text and images at the Profile Page. Be sure to include a variety of images with descriptions.
- Select the payment option and your Feature Gallery listing will post that day.
- Every Art Guide page offers professionally designed mobile functions for all hand held devices.