Textualised – A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures
BERLIN BLUE art gallery
Aug. 23, 2018, 12:00 pm
Opening | Eröffnung: Mittwoch, 22. August, 19 – 22 Uhr
23. – 31.08.2018
Open | Geöffnet: Di – Sa, 12 – 18 Uhr
‘Textualised’ is an attempt to come closer to the long-standing relationship of the word and the image, and the intricate connection of the written text with the visual imagery. Words carry their own meaning and therefore build up their own context when used in written or oral speech. And yet, when they are integrated as part of a visual work, their meaning changes, disappears or is transformed; and so is the meaning of the body of the visual work.
How do text and the written word alter or develop the visual stimulus? Six artists from a wide variety of backgrounds create a dialogue on the different ways the text can play an active role in the image, accompany it or blur it. With different media including painting, photography, collage and drawing, the selected artists contribute their work as part of a long-term testimony which witnesses text as a vital part of the artistic creation.
The purpose of this project is to make the audience conscious of the vital relationship between word and image and how this relationship has shaped visual art practices in contemporary art.
Nina Ansari (IRN)
Nadine Fecht (DEU)
Philip Crawford (USA)
Undine Bandelin (DEU)
Curtis Welteroth (USA)
Anna Nezhnaya (RUS)
Curated & organised by Vanessa Souli