Momentum: Women/Art/Technology – Adrianne Wortzel

Rutgers Art Library

Jan. 20, 2024 - Apr. 17, 2015

71 Hamilton Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 8901

Exhibition of recently published books by artist Adrianne Wortzel, Solace and Perpetuity: a life story, on view at the Rutgers Art Library. Consisting of 176 selected documents written by the artist, spanning over 20 years; the documents were numbered in no particular order and then each document in turn broken down into paragraphs which are numbered consecutively within each document. These paragraphs are then put through an algorithm created by Gabriel Ferrin and presented as an entire randomized “novel”. It’s nature is autobiographical where any one experience is broken down into text “bytes”. As a book publication, no two volumes are alike, as each of them represents a different dis-order of the entire text.

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