Opening Reception for January Exhibitions
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art
Jan. 19, 2019, 06:00 pm
Please join us for the opening reception of Richard Shaw and Wanxin Zhang and Phillip K Smith III: Portals: A Space for Color.
Richard Shaw and Wanxin Zhang brings the recent work of these two giants of Bay Area clay, focusing on their explorations of the cultural exchange between China and the West. Although the two men are a generation apart and their work differs stylistically, their message and means are similar: both use humor and satire in seamless reference to global history, popular culture, and personal experience.
Each Portal is a part of Phillip K. Smith’s ongoing Lightworks series, investigating the relationship of color, form, surface and change. Smith views each Portal as a highly specific three-dimensional canvas that he paints with light over time. He crafts each color selection, location and pace of change to evoke a sense of breath within the work. The spatial experience changes from Portal to Portal based on Smith’s chosen color combination – at times giving the viewer a sense of pushing away from or pulling towards the wall.
Admission is free for members & $10 for non-members