Urban Collage and the Collage City

Feral Factory Ltd.

Entry Deadline: Feb. 25

757 E 20th Ave
Denver, CO 80205


Feral Factory Ltd., in partnership with Denver’s River North Art District (RiNo) and RedLine Contemporary Art Center, is seeking visual art and photography exploring cities, city life, and urbanism. The show will take place at The Crash exhibition space and will display 100+ pieces in rotation. Exhibition will include numerous events, salons, workshops, and receptions. Award-winning art advisors, NINE dot ARTS are collaborating to promote sales. $500 awarded for Best in Show, $100 Special Merit.

Jurors include: Tracy Weil, Creative Director & Co-Founder, RiNo; Louise Martorano, Executive Director, RedLine Contemporary Art Center; Martha Weidmann, CEO & Co-Founder, NINE dot ARTS.

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