Trending, Contemporary Art Now

Women's Caucus for Art

Entry Deadline: Sep. 30

PO Box 1498, Canal Street Station
New York, NY 10013-1498

The Women’s Caucus for Art, hosted by Target Gallery at the Torpedo Factory with juror Elizabeth K. Garvey announces a Call for Art: ‘Trending: Contemporary Art Now!’ for January 23 -February 28, 2016.

TRENDING seeks works that are driving the direction of contemporary art. Show us your visually compelling and conceptually exciting work that signal the direction of where art is headed. WCA seeks art in all media that are leading edge and have the potential to go viral. Show us your most interesting work!

This show is non-themed. The juror, Elizabeth K. Garvey, will select the strongest works based on her experience as a Chelsea (NY) gallerist and collector of contemporary art. “Trending…” seeks to promote innovative established artists and nurture promising talent from the next generation of women artists. Share your art with us and the world!

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