The Sensation Of Home
FAB Festival
Entry Deadline: Mar. 22
According to the International Migrant Stock 2019 the UN revealed that the number of migrants worldwide has risen by almost a quarter since the beginning of the decade. By 2019, there were 272 million immigrants, 51 million more than in 2010. Over two fifths of all international migrants worldwide in 2019 had been born in Europe (61 million) or in Central and Southern Asia (50 million). So how does this affect the sense of home? Is home where you come from or the place you go? I ask what home means to someone who never lived where one comes from and if home is even a place to locate.
The exhibiton is addressing artists who challenge the essence of home and reflect on the aspects of existence including ‘rituals, relationships and restrictions’ (cf. Taiye Selasi). Focussing on both praise and critical reflection, „The sensation of home” invites the artists as well as the audience to examine multiple alternatives and unexpected perspectives. What is the aesthetic of home? What does home mean in our multicultural and international societies? And what answers are coming from the artists of our time?
Curated by Lisa Marinello, to submit email [email protected]
NB: Submission is free. If you are selected, we will ask for a £20 contribution and some of your time. Please read ‘how to submit’ and our FAQs for full details.
Deadline: 23:59 on Sun 22 March 2020.