Ode to New Jersey

West Windsor Arts

Entry Deadline: Jul. 31

952 Alexander Rd
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
PHONE 609 716-1931


Call to Artists for Ode to New Jersey

New Jersey is historically unique, dynamic, and ever changing. The heritage and vibe of this place has vastly different meanings to each one of us. West Windsor Arts invites you to explore your connection to this state by crafting this open call to artists for Ode to Jersey.

Exhibition dates will be from Tuesday, August 29th to Saturday, October 28th. The deadline for submission is Monday, July 31st. A maximum of three pieces can be submitted.

For more information regarding the exhibition and eligibility requirements please visit the WWAC website at https://westwindsorarts.org/exhibition/call_to-artists_ode-to-new-jersey/ or call (609) 716-1931.

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