Object(ive) Juried by Carly Glovinski
Brookline Arts Center
Entry Deadline: Jan. 1
The Brookline Arts Center invites artists of all media residing in the United States to submit work for “Object(ive)”. Our lives are continuously shaped by the objects we use and create. The meaning or purpose of an object may shift with time. Cups and bowls we use today could become precious artifacts displayed in a museum, or they could be tossed aside as forgotten waste. With the rapid technological advances of the last century, our production of objects has increased dramatically. American culture today can be characterized by our fierce consumerism and attachment to objects. In “Object(ive)” we are looking for work that explores the influence objects have on contemporary life, whether the objects are commonplace, precious, functional, religious, cultural or symbolic.
All artists residing in United States are eligible to submit work. All applications must be entered online through the BAC’s submission form. Up to six pieces of original artwork can be submitted.
Artwork Requirements
All media welcome.
Artwork must have been created within the last five years.
All submitted work must be original.
Work must be available for exhibition dates.
Maximum size 2D: up to 84″ in either dimension.
Maximum size 3D: combined dimensions must not exceed a total of 144 inches (height+width+depth), total weight must not exceed 100lbs.
Video work: If accepted, the artist is responsible for providing all necessary viewing equipment.
Submission Requirements
Artists may submit up to six works. One jpg per submission. Images MUST be in jpg format, high quality, 1 MB size max. All work must be accompanied by title, materials, dimensions and year of completion (fill out on submission form).
Format for image files: Lastname_Firstname_1, Lastname_Firstname_2, etc.
Artists must also submit an artist statement and resume. Files must be in pdf format.
Submissions without payment of entry fee will not be considered.
*The Brookline Arts Center reserves the right to withdraw acceptance if quality does not reflect images or if the artist violates requirements.
Artists will be notified of their status via e-mail by 5:00pm on Friday, January 18, 2019. If your work is selected, it must arrive presentation ready (with appropriate installation materials) by 5:00pm on Friday, March 8, 2019. Shipped work must be received in reusable wrapping with check or prepaid label for return shipping. Work must remain on exhibit through Friday, April 19, 2019.
*Artwork that is selected for the exhibition can be listed for sale at a price determined by the artist. The BAC is entitled to 30% commission.