In Search of the Oriental Dragon

ArtWorks Oriental

Entry Deadline: Nov. 30

518 S Water Street
Oriental, NC 28571
PHONE 206-406-1621

Oriental is a unique little village located on the Inner Coastal Waterway in NC. One of the last remaining fishing villages in the US, it is also known as The Sailing Capital of North Carolina. Oriental is also home for many creatives including artists and artisans, musicians, authors, and thespians.

Each year on New Year’s Eve, two “dragons” (mysteriously sporting human legs and feet from below) parade through the town. The villagers and thousands of visitors dance around and behind the creatures, banging pots and spoons to ward away evil spirits in the coming year. Others try and touch the dragon for good luck.

Later, in February, coordinating with Chinese New Year, the Pamlico County Arts Council host their annual membership drive, known as The Burning of the Dragon. A literal torching of a 30 ft high rendition of the creature, set aflame to ensure nothing but creative and positive things happen in the coming year.

Both of these events have become regional Coastal Carolina treasured events!

Clearly, Oriental loves dragons! And we want to see yours!

All artists in all mediums except film are invited to apply. Work may be 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional, but must be original work, NLT 40″or 60″ tall. For complete guidelines, see

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