Rush Philanthropic | Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series

Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation

Entry Deadline: Aug. 23

334 Grand Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11238
718 230-5002

Rush Philanthropic |  Artisan Series

Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation along with BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® Gin, is once again giving emerging artists an incredible opportunity to share their art with the world.

Enter our  Artisan Series for the chance to show your work at SCOPE Miami Beach, win a solo exhibit at SCOPE New York, and the opportunity to create a mural in hometown.

This year, local market winners will exhibit their art in regional gallery events in New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, San Francisco, Austin, Los Angeles, and Miami before facing off at SCOPE Miami Beach in December.

The top three winners at SCOPE Miami Beach will be invited to participate in our  Artisan Series Mural project, creating murals in their community. The grand prize winner gets a solo show at SCOPE New York in March 2016.

The world is waiting. Submissions are being accepted through Saturday, August 23, 2015.

Submit your body of work now, and for more info visit,

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