Catinca Tabacaru Gallery

Mar. 16, 2024 - Apr. 22, 2018

250 Broome Street
New York, 10002
PHONE 603.957.1354


1972 is a 16-piece performance-based photographic work. The images present R. and A. living in Harare in 1972. At the time, interracial marriage was virtually impossible and there were political attempts to make it illegal. 1972 was also the beginning of a 7-year long guerrilla war between nationalists and the Rhodesian security forces.

Rachel Monosov and Admire Kamudzengerere created real life events as happenings in Zimbabwe. They threw a wedding, inviting the local community to witness the event. They placed themselves into different spaces creating convincing settings: from leisurely afternoons by the lake, to constructing their first home. The work is documentary photography infused with fiction. It all happened, yet never was.

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