2018 Biennial North American Open Juried Exhibition

Art Complex Museum

Entry Deadline: Jul. 15

189 Alden Street
Duxbury, MA 02332
PH (781) 934-6634


Sponsored by the New England Watercolor Society
$7,500 in Awards

>Open to any artist residing in North America age 18 or older.
>All work must be painted with aqua media including watercolor, acrylic, casein, egg tempera, gouache and inks on unvarnished paper or synthetic paper such as Yupo. >No photo copies, color laser prints, monotypes, multiple prints, pastels or computer generated work.

Work may not have been created in a class or workshop under a teacher’s supervision.
>Work may not be withdrawn early.
>No changes in pricing or catalog information made after acceptance.
>Work must be for sale.
>The Screening Committee has the right to refuse any painting that does not meet the stated specifications or is not accurately represented by image submitted.
>Paintings may not have been previously exhibited in a NEWS show or at the Art Complex Museum.

Entry Fees
Non-Members – $30 one entry, $35 two entries, $40 three entries
NEWS Members and Associate Members – $20 one entry, $25 two entries, $30 three entries


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